Send Postcards to Your California Reps
Sample Message
Hi [Representative’s Name],
Please support a California Reusable Beverage Container Act. Reusables are the solution to plastic pollution!
This is important to me because ___________________________________.
[Your Name, City]
Optional points to include
- Bottles and cans litter my neighborhood.
- 180 million beverage containers are littered in California every year.
- Other countries have successful beverage refill and reuse systems. California can too!
- A new report from Story of Stuff shows that a 25% reusable beverage target in California would mean 32 million fewer bottles and cans littered each year.
- Companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi should make better packaging choices for people and the planet.
- A new report from Story of Stuff shows that reuse would bring 11,000 new green jobs to CA.
- Producing and disposing of plastic harms frontline communities. We can do better for people and the planet.
- Reuse saves us money! Governments and taxpayers save on waste management costs.

Who To Write To
1. Your 2 California Reps
- Find your two state representatives
- Find your Assemblymember’s mailing address and write postcard(s)
- Find your State Senator’s mailing address and write postcard(s)
- (Note: Write to their Capitol Office address)
2. Want to write a few more postcards?
Write to these 7 key legislators as well.
Senator Catherine Blakespear
1021 O Street, Suite 7720,
Sacramento, CA 95814
Senator Megan Dahle
1021 O Street, Suite 7230
Sacramento, CA 95814
Senator Lena Gonzalez
1021 O Street, Suite 8610
Sacramento, CA 95814
Senator Melissa Hurtado
1021 O Street, Suite 6510
Sacramento, CA 95814
Senator Caroline Menjivar
1021 O Street, Suite 6630
Sacramento, CA 95814
Senator Sasha Renée Pérez
1021 O Street, Suite 6720
Sacramento, CA 95814
Senator Eloise Gómez Reyes
1021 O Street, Suite 7210
Sacramento, CA 95814
3. Want to go above and beyond?
Host a postcard-writing party with friends and family, and send dozens of postcards to your California representatives!

Thank you for advocating. Change doesn’t happen without changemakers like you.
Questions? Email Alex at alex [at] storyofstuff [dot] org.